Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.
(Theodosius Dobzhansky)
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Physiology Lecture Unit Four
(C24 - C28)

Unit Four Learning Objectives

  Chapters 25 & 26: The Digestion System and Metabolism
    Lecture Slides / Preview Slides Before Class.
The Digestive System - C25
    * Metabolism - C26
    Chapter Study Guide (Test Q Highlighted // Bring Questions to Lecture).
    * C25 Digestive System Study Guide
    * C26 Metabolism Study Guide
Required Homework Assignments (>>)
    Video Homework Questions
    >> How Your Digestive System Works (5 min)
    >> Absorption of Nutrients. (5 min)
    >> How micelles are formed (45 sec)
    >> Gastric Secretion - (2 min)
    >> Formation of Gastric Hydrocloric Acid (1:20 min)
    >> Lactase persistence (2 min)
    >> Human Lactose Metabolism and Lactose Intolerence (7 min) .
    >> Glycolysis (1:30 min)
    >> Kreb's Cycle (2 min)
    Chapter Audio Review / Highly Recommended
Physiology of the Digestive System
    The following content is NOT REQUIRED, however. It does correlate to C20's learning objectives. This information is included only for the curious!
    ** How the Body Uses Fat // by HHMI (28 slides)
Digestive System Anatomy and Physiology
Digesting Food
Digestion: Polymers to Monomers
    * The Large Instestine: Structure and Function
    * Reflexes in the Colon
      A Special Report on Sugar - Killing Us One Tablespoon at a Time / Dr. Robert Lutsig M.D. is a leader in the field of neuroendocrinology research, an educator, and athority on sugar and its effects on the brain and general physiology. Dr. Lutsig M.D. has made headlines by calling sugar a poison and his recommendation to make sugar a "controlled substance"!
    * The Cause of Obsesity by Dr. Robert Lutsig, M.D.
The Bitter Truth (1:29:28) Dr. Robert Lutsig, M.D.
    * "The Trouble with Fructorse: A Darwinian Perspective" Dr. Lustig, MD
    * The Making of the Fittest: Got Lactase? Co-evolution of Genes and Culture (15 min video)
Neandertal Teeth - What they tell us about our cousins.
    * What Role Does our Microbiome Play in a Healthy Diet? by Dr. Tim Spector (video 37 min)
Sugar Should Be Regulated as a Toxic Substance
    * The Trouble with Gluten
    * Vomiting
    * Pathophysiology of the Digestive System
    * GIF Showing Wight Loss Over Time
    * More "Articles of Interest"
  Chapter 23 - Urinary System
    Lecture Slides / Preview Slides Before Class
The Urinary System
    Chapter Study Guide / Test Questions
    * C23 Study Guide (updated June 2024)
Required Homework Assignments (>>)
    Video Homework Questions
    >> Human Kidney Function (6 min),
    >> The Structure and Function of Nephron (5 min)
    >> The Urinary System (6 min)
    >> Micturition Reflex .(2 min)
    >> How Urine is Concentrated (5 min)
    Chapter Audio Review / Highly Recommended
    The following content is NOT REQUIRED, however. It does correlate to C20's learning objectives. This information is included only for the curious!
    * Kidney and Nephron
    * Pathophysiology of the Urinary System
Micturition and Hemodialysis
    * More "Articles of Interest"
  Chapter 24 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Homeostasis.
    Lecture Slides / Preview Slides Before Class
Homeostatic Regulations and Water Balance
    Chapter Study Guide / Test Questions
    * C24 Study Guide
Required Homework Assignments (>>)
    Video Homework Questions
    * Overview of Fluid and Electrolyte Physiology (8 min)
    * Electrolyte and Fluid Balance for Nursing Students (14 min)
    * Fluid Volume Deficit (8 min)
    Chapter Audio Review / Highly Recommended
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
Acid Base Balance
    The following content is NOT REQUIRED, however. It does correlate to C20's learning objectives. This information is included only for the curious!
    * Cystitis: A bacterial urinary tract and/or bladder infection
    * Micturition and Renal Insufficiency
    * Recent events in Flint, Michigan have again illustrated a failure at the intersection of science and public policy. This has resulted in catastrophic consequences. Here are two review articles about lead that you may want to read: Lead Poisoning // Correlation Between Lead Poisoning and Crime
    * More "Articles of Interest"
  Male and Female Reproductive System (Chapter 27 & C28)
    Lecture Slides / Preview Slides Before Class
    * Male and Female Reproductive System
    Chapter Study Guide / Test Questions
    * Study Guide C27 & 28
Required Homework Assignments (>>)
    Video Homework Quetions for V1 and V2
    Video Homework Questions for V3
    Video Homework Questions for V4
    Video Homework Questions for V5
    Video Homework Questions for V6
    Video Homework Quesiotns for V7
    Video Homework Questions for V8
    >> Female Reproduction Cycle: Ovulation (30 min) - V2
    >> Female Reproductive Cycle / Menstrual Cycle (21 min) - V3
    >> Female Reproducive Cycle: Ovulation and Menstrual Cycle Overview (11 min) - V4
    >> Embryology - Fertilization from Day Zero to Seven, Zygote to Blastocyct (4 min) - V5
    >> Pregnancy 101 (4 min) - V6
    >> Natural Childbirth (12 min)
    >> Male Reproductive System: Spermatogenisis (30 min) - V7
    >> How does an erction occur in men? (2 min) - V8
    Chapter Audio Review / Highly Recommended
    * Female Reporductive Sytem
    The following content is NOT REQUIRED, however. It does correlate to C27/C28 learning objectives. This information is only for the curious!
    * Female Reproductive System
    * Male Reproductive System | Erection and Ejaculation (23 min) - V8
Female Orgasm: anatomy and biology (6:30 min)
    * Baby's First Organ - The Placenta SA
Return of the Clap / Bacteria Develop Resistance to Anitbiotics
    ** Female Reproductive Health Feature Articles- Scientific America
      + Introduction: "The science of women's reproductive heatlth has huge gaps" - SA
      + The Point of a Period
      + Set It and Forget It?
      + Maternal Mortality
      + Eggs On Ice
Menstral Cycle Composit Graphic Only
    * Early Embryonic Development: The Blastocyte
    * Baby's First Organ - The Placenta (Illustration)
    * Fetal Development Month to Month (6:30 min)
    * Pathophysiology: Complications of Pregnancy
    * Pathophysiology: Reproductive Disorders
    * More "Articles of Interest"
Lecture: Unit 1 - Unit 2 - Unit 3 - Unit 4 ////////////Lab: Unit 1 - Unit 2 - Unit 3 - Unit 4